Friday, September 24, 2010

The Digital Microscope and Digital Technology

The digital microscope is the microscope of this century. It surpasses all previous models of microscopes because it allows the storage of the images of the specimen in different phases for future reference or for simultaneous full- image viewing.

The Microscope Goes Digital

Not everyone can appreciate the definition of digital technology from the viewpoint of an engineer. To simplify the arcane or mysterious language of the digital definition, it simply is the compression of information couched in numerical language so it fits into small storage devices. The entire system is also applied to microscopes. The digital microscope in Toronto stores, supply different models of this kind of microscope from various manufacturers here and abroad.

If the microscope is not hooked to a high resolution video camera and digital recording system, there is no way that researchers can save the images of the specimen.

Saving the specimen images is significant in research because there is no need to do the routine all over again. An important image can be digitally or easily captured and stored for future reference in nano seconds and images can be viewed from different screen monitors in real time making shared viewing possible and convenient.

Dealers of the digital microscopes in Toronto can show you different microscopes suitable for a range of microscopy research needs, including bright field technology. There might be some confusion though about the function of these.

Any microscope without lenses is officially a digital microscope and the compound, stereo microscope, polarized light microscope, trinocular, research and industrial, and so on, with a built-in USB port and matched with an image data base software goes digital.

Hence, if you need an inverted trinocular microscope that's digital, you get it. The digital trinocular microscope can capture still images from its digital camera and the video device provides full-motion live video of tiny specimens. You can find this type of trinocular microscope from distributors/retailers.

The Digital Microscope

The digital microscope in Toronto shops comes with the following components such as the video capturing device, and a video screen. Here's the big difference - common microscopes have no eyepieces; instead specimens are viewed from the video screen which is a 15 inch monitor captured by a 2 million pixel camera.

Microscopes with a USB port and a mount for a digital camera are considered informal digital cameras. Are these good enough? Well, yes. But the digital microscope is outfitted with special microscopic lens designed for the camera.

The digital microscope can give at least 100x magnification though it has a regular depth of field like the regular slide microscope. Because of the digital feature, this microscope makes a perfect tool for creating virtual slides, digital information exchange, education and medical research. It is best used for moving target analysis, 3D displays, and high speed recording.

Experts on the digital microscope in Toronto will however confirm that some have a disadvantage - these need continued supply from a power source and require a computer, which can be an inconvenience. But then some have view screens.

If you are located in Toronto and you need a digital microscope, visit the suppliers or check out their websites for details about the various digital models. How about going digital?

CanScope - complete solution for all your microscopy needs.
Contact: 1-877-56SCOPE(72673) or

How about going digital with your next microscopes? You can get your digital microscope in Toronto. If you need a research microscope in Toronto or trinocular microscope in Toronto, visit today.

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